Sunday, April 25, 2010

Listening: Innate Trait or Learned Skill

Like so many things we take for granted - listening really seems to be on the top of the list. Is it a craft that is honed and tweaked? Or just an innate trait that cannot be expanded? Whatever or wherever it evolved, each individual needs to check their level of skill and explore ways to increase this vital survival tool.

Teenagers seem to lack this basic communication devise. Why; would be a question of the ages when even our most esteemed wisdom seekers seem to lack the answer. Strategically chosen words, tones and volumes don't seem to have an impact - therefore we are left with frustration and dismay.

Some words do seem to penetrate the electrons firing within - seen in stages of succession. Like the athlete who maintains his skill through practice, so too should the behavior of listening be charted.

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